First Christian Church of Bremerton
Disciples of Christ
811 Veneta Ave, Bremerton, WA 98337, (360) 373-2444
Education | Prayer | Music | Fellowship

Programs - Congregational Life


Youth Group

"But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us." --- 2 Corinthians 4:7

Youth Sunday
Once a year, in the spring, the youth of our church offer a worship service to share what they have learned as well as to demonstrate their growth in leadership. It is a special Sunday to praise God for the youth of our church as well as for their dedicated teachers. The joy and enthusiasm of their faith journey gives us a fuller sense of who we are as followers of Christ.

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Camps and Conferences

Gwinwood Conference Center provides a summer program of outdoor ministries to different age levels. The summer schedule of camps is available on the Northwest Regional website: or see 'Upcoming Events' in our Calendar Section for the current camp dates.

Each summer we offer a Camp Sunday to celebrate our church camp experiences as well as to remember experiences of the past and how those experiences have enriched our faith journey. We dress for camp on that Sunday and come with an expectation that worship will be different.

There are also Regional winter retreats for middle school and high school youth. (see the regional website,, for dates and locations.)

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Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Vacation Bible School is offered each summer for young children ages 5 to kids entering grade six in the fall. This is a week long program, Monday through Friday from 9 am to noon which includes worship, lessons, arts and crafts, music and games. It also includes a light meal and snacks. Please register by calling the church office, 360.373.2444.

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Men's Breakfast Fellowship
Open to all men, this group meets at 8:30 am on the second Tuesday of each month. They meet at various restaurants around the community for food and fellowship.

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Disciple Women's Ministry
DWM Coordinating Council meets quarterly at Noon in the Coffee House. Membership is open to all women of the church.

Service Projects:

  1. Kitsap Community Resources
  2. Bremerton Foodline
  3. YWCA Alive Shelter - emergency shelter for battered women & children
  4. KCR Christmas Child
  5. Benedict House Men's Shelter
  6. Global Missions
  7. Blanket Sunday
  8. Week of Compassion

Afternoon Guild
This group meets at Noon on the 1st Monday of each month from September through June. They have a short study and devotions. They work on vaious outreach projects throughout the year. They host an Christmas Cookie Sunday during Fellowship Time. 

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Book Clubs

Bremerton Christian Church book clubs are informal gatherings of people interested in expanding their horizons by reading and discussion. Selections vary depending upon the group's decision.

"Readers of the Evening"
Meets at 5:30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month at various restaurants for dinner and discussion.

"Book Ends"
Meets at 10:00 am at the church the 3rd Monday of the month.

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