Serving in Ministry
Building Committee
This committee oversees
any major improvement or building projects of the congregation
including planning, recommendations and implementations.
Service to the ongoing life of the congregation
- Become a member of a functional department or standing committee.
- Assist with coffee hours, potluck dinners, and other social gatherings.
- Assist with clean-up and/or carpentry projects for the building and grounds.
- Assist with clerical tasks in the church office.
- Assist with the annual rummage sale.
Continuing Education
This committee's purpose
is to honor our graduates with a timely gift at graduation and to
provide access to a one time scholarship to be used for school
books or tuition. They also strive to keep up to date with our
graduates on their higher education progress and their activities when
they enter the workforce.
This group, which is elected by
the congregation, cooperates with the elders and the pastor in carrying
out the pastoral ministry of the church which includes an active
visitation program. They assist in the various functions of the church
in the preparation and serving of communion. Diaconate members assist
in the teaching and administrative program of the church through the
functional departments.
This department's role is to
develop an effective program of Christian Education for all ages. This
includes setting policy, selecting curriculum, supporting and
encouraging teachers and making space allotments. Education is also
responsible for planning youth activities and leadership training.
Financial Support
- Financially contribute to the ongoing life of the church.
- Contribute items to the monthly Bremerton Foodline.
- Prayerfully consider your financial response to special projects and programs.
"Hands-on" community service
- Assist with meal preparation and serving at the monthly Community Dinner at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church.
- Assist with meals and welcoming volunteer host for Homeless Men's Shelter- Benedict House.
- Volunteer to serve in any number of ways with Habitat for Humanity.
Long Range Planning
This committee will
look towards the church's future by creating a vision subcommittee that
will look at immediate and long term goals for meeting the mission
statement and expanding the ministry and call of Jesus Christ.
This committee will comprise the Journey of Discovery - Living Into God's Call, a transformational process that will guide the congregation to live faithfully into the future. This journey will entail broad congregational participation as all participate in a spiritual formation process. The training support will come from Regional Consultants trained by the Center for Parish Development. This strategy is at minimal a three year process but it may take longer.
Maintain contact with the
entire church membership; to welcome, integrate and assimilate each
person into the life and fellowship of the faith community. This
committee will share the love of Christ and contribute to fostering and
nurturing relationships within the faith community. Membership will
provide records for the Board of those received into membership through
transfer or baptism.
Nominating Committee
This committee is
appointed to nominate candidates for officers of the church. It
consists of an appointed chair and other committee leaders as well as
two members-at-large.
This committee is responsible
for hiring any needed replacements for the current church staff.
Personnel meets with each employee semi-annually for the purpose of
reviewing the job and ascertaining any needs or concerns of the
employee or the congregation.
This ministry is responsible, in
cooperation with the trustees, for keeping all property and equipment
in proper condition. Property is also responsible for studying the
needs of the congregation and making recommendations for improvement.
Stewardship and Finance
This department
seeks to develop within the membership an understanding of the full
meaning of Christian stewardship. First Christian Church holds to the
highest standards of accountability and responsible administration of
the blessings God has given us. Stewardship & Finance prepares the
church's annual budget, administers the distribution of funds as
specified by the current budget. This department conducts the annual
Stewardship Campaign and reviews any mid-year budget changes.
Global Missions
This is the outreach arm of
the church that contributes to the needs of the faith community, Kitsap
county and the global community. This department will raise the
conscience of social justice concerns in local and global mission.
Wider ministries will inform the faith community of programs that will
help participation as Christ's body in the world.
This department takes leadership in
planning and scheduling people to serve in the various parts of the
services including communion preparation and service. They serve in a
supportive role to the Pastor in the area of worship including baptisms
and funerals. Special worship events throughout the year are
coordinated through this department including Christmas, Holy Week,
Easter, Pentecost and Thanksgiving. The Worship Department seeks to
enrich the personal and family devotional life of the congregation. It
also consults with the Personnel Department in selecting the organist
and choir director.
Copyright © 2003 First Christian Church of Bremerton. Stained glass by Fred Hereth